Anyone who's been following the blue hedgehog since day one can recall the greatness that Sega bought us with its 2D side scrolling game, Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Genesis. It was a great past-time until his useless sidekick Tails came in the picture.  After numerous inceptions of Sonic and a barrage of his new found friends on the Sega Genesis, Sega decided to pursue the 3D platforming route with games like Sonic X-treme on the Saturn that honestly sucked more dick than a Las Vegas prostitute.  During this time, this is when the Sonic franchise slowly began to deteriorate. Sega continued to mold the blue spiked rodent into 3D iterations that would continue to elude previous fans away (especially after playing the nauseating  Sonic Unleashed). After years of torture to their loyal fans, Sega has released a short teaser of a game codenamed "Project Needlemouse" - a teaser which promises us old Sonic admirers a return to the Eden of the unforgettable 2D side scroller.  And we have a teaser for you to glance at.

The teaser displays a tagline reading "Speed returns, in an all new 2D adventure built from the ground up"; rather than conceiving a retro remake like most elder games have undergone, Sega will be recreating an all-new game in HD. You can expect to play this I'm-hoping-to-God gem sometime in 2010. No word on what platforms this new installment will be released under, but being that it's in HD, I expect both Xbox 360 and the PS3 to get it. The Wii? Don't make me laugh. It's not even HD. Now, the question that stands is: Will you old Sonic fans come back to experience the franchise again in a whole new way? Or have the recent Sonic games frustrated you so much that you just want Sonic to die of a stroke? Let us know.