As time winds down between now and late October, Warner Bros. Montreal has released the identities of Batman's eight assassin's to be featured in their upcoming game, Batman: Arkham Origins. So far, the complete list of assassin's has not been divulged. We have confirmed Deathstroke, Deadshot, Bane, and Copperhead. The Joker and Penguin make an appearance in the game, though they are not a part of the eight as far as we know.

In a video feature done by the YouTube account, BatmanArkhamVideos, a line-up of all eight assassin's can be discerned. However, those that are not the assassin's I mentioned earlier can be not be ascertained as the images are too blurry. My guess is that they may be Killer Croc (as shown in the video) and Jason Todd (Red Hood). This would be a combination of Arkham franchise villains and someone new, which is the pattern that WB Montreal has followed thus far. Creative Director Eric Holmes admitted via Twitter to having placed the images in the trailer purposely and while he did not confirm their identities, he did not deny that they were images of the assassins either.

Batman: Arkham Origins is being developed by Warner Bros. Montreal and will be published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and PC on October 25th, 2013. A Vita/3DS version of the game, Batman: Arkham Origins – Blackgate, is also in development by Armature Studio and will be released on the same day.
