Lithuanian developers Karaclan released a new trailer today to celebrate the launch of their Square Enix Collective campaign. Their submitted game, Ved, is a hybrid of an RPG and platformer that looks visually stunning. They're planning for a 2018 release for the Xbox One and PC.

As per usual SEC rules, the dev team has 28 days to bring in as many votes as they can. On top of people being able to leave feedback for the developers, if enough interest is shown in the game, Square Enix may 'support' the game in the future.

The big question is, what exactly is Ved. The story features loner Kir who wanders into the advanced city of Micropolis looking for an easy life. However, as things are never that easy, fate takes control and he sent on a quest to reveal the truth about the world around him. How do magic and technology coexist in this place? And what are the deep secrets hidden among Micropolis' streets?

While there will be combat in the game, it seems like a good chunk of playtime will focus on chatting with all manner of locals. The campaign states that 'Talking to different characters can earn you their respect and friendship, or can even... fear—which may be the key to success.' It seems like the game will feature a number of choices when dealing with others as is highlighted in the trailer.

Other features for Ved include:

  • Choose (Your decisions changes the world)
  • Speak  (The world is full of extraordinary characters)
  • Fight (Any bush may be a monster)
  • Explore (Portals connect the world of science and magic)
  • Improve (Money and will help to achieve success)

While the trailer was light on gameplay, the art is absolutely gorgeous and has a moving painting feel to it. The world and story are vague but interesting enough to be filled with possibility. The focus on branching dialogue with NPCs also gives the project a standout twist that could pay off in unexpected ways.

To vote or leave feedback for Ved, you must be be registered with the Square Enix Collective which you can do easily through their site. You'd better hurry though since those 28 days to send Karaclan your love won't last forever. The reveal trailer can be seen below for more incentive: