If you are a rabid Destiny player, you may be noticing some fluctuation in matchmaking within Iron Banner. Throughout this week, Bungie has been using the fan-favorite multiplayer mode as a guinea pig for some tweaks to Destiny (admittedly shaky) matchmaking system.

According to Bungie.net, the skill-based match ups are proving effective, the actual matchmaking is taking less than a minute in lobby, and lag is on the decline. But the settings are being tweaked immediately to try something new. If you are playing on Iron Banner, expect today's second update to bring a wider range of skilled players, longer matchmaking times, and less lag than usual.

Bungie doesn't seem like they are ready to commit to one setting over the other; instead, they are testing out what receives the most positive feedback from the fans. However, if you have been able to spot noticeable fluctuations in lobby time and opponent skill, at least you know why.