Today on the Ask-Capcom forums, poster CapcomJuNky created a thread to ask how members of the fighting game community could reach out to the company with regard to requesting updates. Capcom Senior VP Christian Svensson posted in response to say that Capcom has their "ears to the ground", and could possibly be looking for a new fighting game "ambassador" in the near future.

In the not so distant future, we will likely (but not definitively... budget issues and all) hire a new fighting game "ambassador" who will also help in such efforts.

It's no secret that a combination of shady practices on Capcom's part and the subsequent loss of Seth Killian has cost the company a lot with fans, so this will be an interesting step for the company. You can read the rest of the response here. What do you think, does Capcom still have it in them to find favor with fighting gamers?