Dragon's Crown has been released today in Japan, and to celebrate the occasion the Art Director George Kamitani released a lovely piece of artwork of the fairy Tiki, that you can see below.


In addition to that, at the bottom of the post you can also see the count down artwork that has been released during the two weeks prior to the launch, created by several members of Vanillaware's own staff.

As an interesting tidbit of information we learn directly from the developer's twitter account that Dragon's Crown is the first Vanillaware game to cost more than 100,000,000 Yen (little less then a million Dollars) to produce.

Dragon's Crown is the first game our company developed to break the 1,000,000 Yen wall. I'm very thankful that we made it for the release date without issues.

Considering how fun the game is (can't say much, as I don't want to spoil the review), we're thankful too, Kamitani-san.