By now you know that Star Citizen's single player campaign Squadron 42 has an impressive star-spangled cast. A couple days ago we saw pictures of Gary Oldman from the performance capture stage, but more surfaced of two more veterans of the film industry: Mark Hamill and John Rhys-Davies. You can check them out at the bottom of the post courtesy of Chris Thursten and Dan Griliopoulos.Neither actor needs much in terms of introduction. Both played legendary roles like Luke Skywalker in the only Star Wars that counts (at least for now), Gimli in The Lord of The Rings trilogy and Sallah in the Indiana Jones movies.Those who aren't going to get their gamer card taken right here and right now, also know that they're both veterans of Chris Roberts' games. Hamill played Wing Commander's protagonist Christopher Blair, while Rhys-Davies lent his face and voice to the awesome James 'Paladin' Taggart, who is probably one of my favorite characters of all time.Hamill also posted a comment on Twitter on the role, defining it a "dream come true."

I can't talk for Hamill, but Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are proving more and more a dream coming true for me (and a growing nightmare for those that seem to have a massive grudge against it).