Before the release of Clash of the Titans for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, I got a chance to play the game myself to see what people should expect come July 27, 2010. The film released over 3 months ago, so the developers must have had a fair amount of time to come up with a decent game, right? Sure, an action-adventure title based on Greek mythology screams God of War ripoff, but who says that has to be a bad thing?

In Clash of the Titans, the player has a health gauge and a 'soul' gauge. The health gauge is a standard health bar that every gamer has seen plenty of times before. The 'soul' gauge is a standard 'mana' or 'mp' bar that allows the use of the customizable weapons. The 'soul' gauge is built-up as the player drains soul from enemies. This is done by either attacking them or draining their soul with the 'RB' button. It works pretty well, but you have to pick and choose when to do this wisely, because it does make you vulnerable to attacks.

There are 80 customizable weapons in the game. The 'X' button is to use the standard weapon to hack away at enemies, simple enough. However, the customizable weapons are equipped when pressing one of the assigned D-pad inputs that can be pressed to switch on the fly. That of course means that there are four different weapons that can be assigned to each direction. Once a weapon is selected, the 'B' button took care of all the customizable weapon fun. It was a lot of fun trying out different weapons.

What was also very fun was messing around with the combination of certain weapons being used. This is done while using one weapon, then swiftly changing to another weapon. It is all about timing and using complimentary weapons. You discover more effective combos as you try out different weapons. One of the weapons (if you can call it that) allows the player to heal in exchange of some 'soul.' This made you almost unbeatable as all you would need was some 'soul' to heal yourself. As long as you had an enemy to defeat, there was enough 'soul' to stay alive. As I was facing off with a boss, it was challenging to manage switching back and forth with weapons, making sure I had some 'soul,' dodging various attacks, and keeping an eye on my health. I love that hectic feeling, because winning always feels so much more rewarding.

The only problem I had with the game were the quick time events that was triggered near the end of the boss' life. The red circles that prompted an action were very faint, and any button pressed sufficed. The any button thing made it easy, but I could hardly see when to press a button. My time with the boss battle definitely lasted longer than it should have because of this.

I feel that Clash of the Titans will be a game that will offer plenty of fun based on my short time playing with it. The action was satisfying, and some of the effects, such as the breaking of the boss' bones, were definitely something to see. There will also be some co-op implemented into the story as well, which I haven't even tried. I do have a 2 week wait before I can go ahead and try co-op out myself. I guess I better start calling up some buddies now.