Today marked the beginning of the beta of Dragon's Dogma Online, but unfortunately western gamers that didn't care to deal with VPN and Proxies didn't have a chance to play, as the test is IP locked to Japan.

Luckily, Japanese gamers went into a verytable YouTubing spree, posting a gazillion of videos from the PS4 and PC versions of the game, showing character creation, questing, battles and assorted gameplay.

If you want to check out how the game looks and play despite being locked out of the beta, you can do so in the playlists below. Pick up a drink (or ten) and make yourself comfortable, because there's more than 24 hours worth of footage. It's basically a whole day of Dragon's Dogma Online.

PS4 Version

PC Version

The videos in the playlists above are courtesy of YouTube users 天空 元邪鬼・OクレイジーラビットGatiImorendermax猫好きゲーマーチャンネルタローちゃん寝るK.I.Ntaka DQX浮世竜二[LPer hiryu channel]UNIT GAME ROOMneruzeruvacobra game channelADAMS - Channelおうま3dadadadadaaaaa123玖渚友rsjureiシーカーきりん実況者Discoゲーマーの集うお店『おいでませ』~ようつべ出張所~聖とんびのTo Be chライブラaikostarlove動画テスト2秋田美人(♂)ゲームセンターガリルしのたくのゲーム実況チャンネルおこげちゃんねるMsMinasTirithくわっぴ チャンネルらっくきゃで鳳凰堂雫Be pエリクレイシスCountrymaam09Game_Play ゆっちん and KIYO 3ten21.