With Drakengard 3 out in Japan for PS3, and coming to the west this year, many are wondering about the future of the beloved JRPG franchise.

A fan named DragonKiddo actually asked director Taro Yoko on Twitter to make Drakengard 4 for PS4, and Yoko-san responded, stating that there's no lack of will to take up that challenge, but the problem is more practical.

@DragonKiddo1 Thank you for your message. I hope to make the game for PS4 but I can't have enough money for development.

This may mean that either that Square Enix didn't fund the development of the next game of the franchise yet, or simply that Yoko-san doesn't have the money himself, considering that he's not directly employed by Square Enix, and he worked on Drakengard 3 as a freelance consultant.

We do know that Yoko-san is a fan of the PS4. His favorite game of 2013 was Resogun, and he has gone on record to express his unhappiness about not being able to play it because the console hasn't been released in Japan yet.

[Thanks for the tip: Machine]