To celebrate the New Year Square Enix just opened the annual Heavensturn seasonal event on Final Fantasy XIV: A Real Reborn. 2014 will be the Year of the horse in the Chinese calendar, and that serves as the inspiration for the event.

It also brings a quite peculiar twist, as in Eorzea (like in every Final Fantasy game) horses are replaced as preferred rides by chocobos, but I won't spoil the story. Just know that you'll be able to acquire Kabutos (samurai helmets) of four different colors. Kabutos inspired to the three previous years of the Final Fantasy XIV history (rabbit, dragon and snake) have also been made available for sale.

The one dedicated to the year of the snake is particularly interesting, because it was never distributed before, since a year ago the game was closed. It's worth mentioning (since many immediately think about it) that the inclusion of samurai helmets in the game is no hint to the implementation of the samurai job. It's a bound to a Japanese tradition and we received Kabutos on Final Fantasy XIV since 2011.

To start the quest line (no waiting for FATE events this time around) you just have to go to the amphitheater in Old Gridania and talk with the event NPC. You really can't miss her.
