Today Square Enix released the transcript of the latest investor Q&A, in which CEO Yosuke Matsuda talked about Final Fantasy XV's DLC episodes.

Matsuda-san explained that it's too early to calculate sale performances. Yet, the publisher hopes that on top of direct profits, DLC episodes will have a beneficial effect on the main game itself.

"We have not been able to calculate the impact of the episodes given that they’ve not been on the market that long. By releasing the additional episodes, we do expect to generate profits from the additional contents, but we also hope they will help raise purchase intent and extend the life cycle of the product."

This certainly matches the publisher's intention to push its games towards generating recurring revenue streams, and it'll be interesting to see if they'll manage to turn Final Fantasy XV into a title with a long sales tail.

Final Fantasy XV is currently available for PS4 and Xbox One. The first DLC episode, dedicated to Gladiolus, launched back in March, with Episode Prompto following in June and Episode Ignis also coming down the line.

The last announced DLC will be an online mode, but more could come after that.