Hardcore video game collectors are likely familiar with First 4 Figures, a company known for crafting detailed figures of characters from various video game franchises.

They've unveiled that the character they're working on currently is none other than Link as he appears in the anticipated upcoming Nintendo Wii U and Switch adventure game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

F4F has released a trailer showing off the piece and the detail is quite lovely. Link has readied an arrow in a pose that is visually similar to the game's box art, in which Link also happens to be readying an arrow. The designs on his shield and his hair are standout details for me.

As a "unique Nintendo collectible" this piece will probably, like most of the other F4F releases, sellout shortly after becoming available, which won't be long now as pre-orders are launching "soon".

F4F also frequently creates two versions of their figures: a regular version and an "exclusive" version which typically includes some sort of lighting/glowing functionality - see the regular and exclusive versions of their recently revealed Majora's Mask replica for an example.

It remains to be seen if there will be two versions of Link, but if there are we can be sure neither will be cheap.

See the trailer below.