Free-running and Parkour are disciplines that involve the ability to analyze and efficiently overcome any and all obstacles in a person's environment. This involves sprinting, running, jumping, vaulting, rolling, and so forth, all of which were principle components of the gameplay in 2008's Mirror's Edge. This was supplemented at times by its light first-person shooter gunplay.

The YouTube account, Ampisound, recently uploaded a video of one of their people, Neil Cointet, doing some free-running across rooftops and other obstacles in Cambridge, England. The footage is shot and edited to resemble that of gameplay of the first Mirror's Edge, and as a celebration of the recently-announced sequel to the title. Conintet even wore Faith's outfit, as well as what looks like a wig, in order to imitate her appearance from the gamer's perspective in-game.

Mirror's Edge "2" is currently being developed by DICE and will be published by Electronic Arts for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on an unspecified date.
