When it comes to sports, there's no "You gave it your best shot" or "Nice try, Timmy." You either win, or you don't (unless you're the Spartans, and you lose after taking at least 2,000 other rivals down with you: then I think you get a pass). But the new trailer from Kinect Sports Rivals seeks to unleash your inner beast, and remind you what's so great about being competitive in a game like this.

With commentary from Rare Studios' Craig Duncan, Studio Head at Rare, Executive Producer Danny Isaac, Creative Director Simon Woodroffe, Art Director Louise O'Connor and Technology Lead Developer Nick Burton on how the game is reaching out to core gamers, how it is the most responsive motion game ever, the inclusion of clans, upgradeable progress, fame and currency, tournaments and live challenges, the video is a extremely compelling reason for anyone who loves motion gaming and the Kinect's power.

Check out the video below, and for more on the game, check out more of our Kinect Sports Rivals news, including the recent World Environments Trailer. On how to play the game for free during the "preseason trial," check out the Kinect Sports Rivals website.
