Visual Novel developer Frontwing confirmed today that their upcoming game Corona Blossom Vol 2. will not contain the mosaics that pixelated the adult content in Vol 1.

This was previously teased on their Twitter through a game of "Guess the Letter" that they played with there followers. It's good to mention that this announcement is only for Vol 2 and will not affect Vol 1 that is currently available for PC.

The developer further details:

I guess we might as well stop beating around the bush, huh?

As a lot of you have guessed already, there will be NO MOSAIC CENSORSHIP in Corona Blossom Vol.2!

For the time being this announcement only applies to CB Vol.2, any announcements about other games will be made as they become available.

Further details about Corona Blossom Vol.2 will be available when the Indiegogo campaign launches in just under 2 days - Sep 13th at 6PM PT!