Gala-Net announced today that they'll be bringing another Korean MMORPG over to American soil, this time it is the game Prius, developed by CJ Internet. They dub it a "revolutionary 3D emotional fantasy MMORPG". I'm not quite sure what "emotional" means, but if it is heavily story-based, I'm all for that.

The game gives you an Anima, which is basically a companion for your character with whom you can build a relationship with. As your relationship grows, you learn more about her, her past, personality and ultimately grow stronger together. The Anima can also summon what is called a Gigas, which you can use in battle to scare the poop out of your opponents.

As usual, it is a quest-based MMO, where you level up via quests and probably monster-kill experience, as well. But, if previous MMOs of this type are any indication, it'll be grind-heavy. Hey, some people like that, even on this side of the Pacific! Hit up gPotato's web site to grab more info on Prius Online.