Yesterday at Gamescom Namco detailed a new Tekken game; this time the designated console is Nintendo's expensive bundle of giggles, the Nintendo 3DS. This is the first time we've received any info on the game since it was revealed at E3. Tekken 3D will be similar to the yet unreleased PS3 exclusive Tekken Hybrid, in that it comes with the Tekken: Blood Vengeance CG film in addition to the game. However, for this entry, the movie will be in full 3D.

The game itself looks like it has some decent visuals but no conclusions can be formed from the tiny amount of game-play shown. If the game isn't up to snuff, then Tekken fans who are able will probably be better off waiting on Tekken Hybrid since it comes with the movie, in addition to a game and a pretty hot demo. Unless you really want to see Blood Vengeance in 3D. The only release information for Tekken 3D Prime Edition is that it will be available "soon". Hit the break for the trailer.