One of the biggest issues affecting Mass Effect Andromeda's visuals is how eyes lack the modern shaders to make them look natural, with a rather unpleasant "uncanny valley" effect.

Maybe I should have said "was," because patch 1.05 has just been released, and the problem has been fixed, with additional translucency shaders added to human and asari eyes, making a fairly large impact, as you can see below (image courtesy of Reddit user jizabo)

While this probably won't solve all the complaints on the game's visual fidelity, it certainly helps a lot, especially in a story and character-driven game.

Of course, a question remains on how the game actually made it on the shelves without a fairly essential set of shaders that are pretty much industry standard nowadays, but that's a question for another day.

If you're wondering, you can read BioWare's update roadmap here, and our full review of the game.