Coinciding with The International tournament for Dota 2, Valve has released two new Immortal Treasure sets for a limited time. The sets are Trove Carafe and Lockless Luckvase and are purchasable for $3.99 each. These new treasure sets, normally a source of cosmetic items, have five possible immortals, a rarity class only found during major tournaments, and an International courier. You might also get the Golden Trove treasure version of a set.

Extra immortals can be used to try and obtain a Trove or Lockless treasure, or even a golden version. You can also level up your compendium when you open your first and fifth treasure set by two and four levels respectively.

Lastly, you can purchase signed versions of the new treasures that come with autograph runes which can be combined and leveled up to unlock a gold version. These new treasures are now out for Dota 2 and will become unavailable after The International finishes on August 8, 2015. You can view pictures of each item below.