A new video has been released for Far Cry 3.

The disturbing clip features a young hostage being forced by her captors to give a tearful performance for the camera, which she does with great reluctance. Towards the end of the video, the viewer gets a sneak-peek at what one might suspect to be a villain or grunt appearing in the game. His attire stays true to the franchise: dirty camouflage pants, a rough-looking vest, and most importantly of all, a bandolier strapped across his chest. Although it is only a guess, the woman in the video may turn out to be the main character's missing girlfriend, but nothing is for certain at the present time.

One can garner from this short clip alone that the game will not stray far from the series, although it is certainly getting a makeover in terms of graphics. Ubisoft is maintaining the same rough-and-tumble personality of the series in Far Cry 3, with villains just as despicable as they've ever been (although at least one of them isn't fond of swearing in front of the ladies. Whoever said chivalry was dead?).