The newest video content from Volition is a "Mod Diary," where Volition celebrates the modder community and how much certain individuals, like's Mike Watson, contributed to the series and to Saints Row IV's development.

As previously reported, the developers at Volition really wanted Saints Row IV to be a lovesong to divisive fans of both Saints Row 2 and Saints Row the Third, and in a way, adding the modders to the development team helped find that balance between too crazy and just crazy enough.

Check out the video below and see for yourself just how much heart has gone into Saints Row IV. The game has launched to the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, and I loved the game when I reviewed it: as Mike Watson says in the video, it's not only a fun Saints Row game, but a great superhero game. For more on the game, check out DualShockers' extensive Saints Row IV coverage.