And the crowds went wild! Ok, maybe only a small crowd filled with dedicated fans of niche RPGs, I'll admit, but a crowd nonetheless. NIS America just shot us over a confirmation that they have indeed licensed Black Rock Shooter for release in both the U.S. and Europe. Now you've heard it twice - that makes it extra-uber-awesomesauce.

Black Rock Shooter - for those who aren't in the know - is a futuristic PSP RPG based around an alien invasion of earth. When the funky aliens attack, a heroine is created with the sole purpose of saving the planet. When this battle android is brought to life, however, she finds that there's only a small handful of people left on the planet - twelve humans, to be exact. At that point, the description in the press release trails off...

No release date or time frame was announced, but it's great to see NIS America picking up another niche RPG for Western release, once again proving that the PSP still has some life in it yet.