Personally I have experienced cooler PS3 days than ever with my PlayStation 3 Slim. However, the community is a bit split on this issue. Some gamers are afraid that a smaller case would mean more heat, and I'm not saying they are right or wrong because really I'm not entirely sure. To be on the safe side, perhaps we should all invest in the newly announced Nyko PS3 Slim Intercooler! Read on for specs and price of this beast.

Custom cooling switches from high to low across the three ambient fans will give you unprecedented control over your Nyko PS3 Slim cooler. Conveniently this add on snaps right on to the system, whether its in vertical or horizontal positioning. For only $19.99 this is a major bargain for anyone with heat issues or worries. Nyko has been successful with the cooling device for this generation of consoles more than any other type of accessory, and they are about to give consumers more of what they want. Enjoy it people!