The upcoming Octodad: Dadliest Catch will feature a local 4 player co-op mode, developer Young Horses confirmed earlier today.

The mode,  will work with either 2 or 4 players, with the control of limbs spread between each player. In 2 player mode, this means that each player will control a set of limbs.

For players who somehow master the writhing mess of Octodad's limbs, there's also a harder co-op option called Roulette. Under the roulette system, comleting a given objective the limbs that each player controls will be swapped, to prevent anyone from getting to familiar.

The mode was created around six months ago, with the spark coming after the developers were considering their arm control system, said Young Horses president Phil Tibitoski

We were talking about doing [co-op] for the longest time, and were trying to figure out whether Dadliest Catch would make players use one or two arms. We couldn't find a good way for one person to control both arms or a good reason for it, so it just kind of came from there. We tried it out and were like, hey, why not?

Octodad: Dadliest Catch is slated for release this year on PC, Mac, Linux and PlayStation 4