Some seem to think that a console needs to be able to make everyone happy, and to have the broadest target possible, but one of those whose ingenuity gave birth to the PS4, its designer Tetsu Sumii, knows that you just can't target everyone, especially at launch. That said, he feels that the console is off to a good start, as he told in an interview.

This is a starting point. So of course that means that we have many visions and ideas for the future.

It's not easy to satisfy everyone, but of course so far it's a good start.

Indeed, the PS4 seems to have touched the ground running, but I'm quite curious to see what those "many visions and ideas" are. Mark Cerny himself told in a previous interview that he isn't completely sure, but I'm quite sure the gears of many brains at Sony are spinning very, very fast right now.

(Featured picture courtesy of Wired)