Today Sony Computer Entertainment released a new series of PlayStation Heroes PS4 Dynamic Themes named "Koi Pond" on the North American PSN. In addition to them, three more themes by third party publishers were released.

You can see a video of the Bronze theme, courtesy of YouTube user MrWhiteProductions, at the bottom of the post, alongside one of the Axiom Verge theme released yesterday. You can also find videos of the Arctic Torrent and Serenity Creek themes directly from Killbot Entertainment here and here.

Incidentally, looking at the "Koi Pond" themes, they seem nearly identical. The only difference I could spot is the color of one of the Koi, which reflects the color of the theme. That said, they are for a good cause.

The European PlayStation store also got a few new themes, and to be precise, three more v themes, similar to those released yesterday on the North American PSN, but showing different graphics.

Considering the timing, those are probably going to be released on the North American Store soon, but in the meanwhile, you can check them out in three videos below.