Sure, fans of Valve are STILL waiting with baited breath for any signs of life on Half-Life 3, but with a recent photo leak that appeared during an office tour of the company's offices, it appears we may be getting some new developments on other Valve projects and games in store.

Originally posted on the subReddit for Dota 2, the photo in question shows the monitor of a Valve developer's computer, showing a project log of ongoing games and assignments being worked on. Curiously, one message on the log provides references to two long-awaited bits from Valve. Dated August 5th, the message reads: "[Source2] Restored L4D3's devtest unit test. Ran locally 6 times without an assert. There may be so..."

Valve released their previous two games in the series, Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2, in 2008 and 2009 respectively, but since then there have been very little details at all about a follow-up game in the series: not very surprising given the almost ten-year-long wait now for any news on Half-Life 3. But with these details pointing to the developing (and testing) of a possible Source 2 engine, it may mean there is still a heart-beat left for Gordon Freeman's newest adventure, and that Left 4 Dead 3 may be Source 2's premiere game.

Possible actual evidence, or Photoshopped fan's hopes? We'll see as things develop for Valve, Left 4 Dead 3, Source 2, and Half-Life 3...

[UPDATE] - A NeoGAF forum user has also collected more information in regard to the leaked L4D3 Source 2 images, including an article from Rock, Paper, Shotgun that seems to verify that the images are (for now, at least) real and do confirm the development of these projects. Developing...