One of the most original games I've seen in a while, as well as one of the only DS games I've been eyeing recently, is none other than Scribblenauts.  Just the other day its official site went live, which includes everything from basic info about the game to ring tone downloads to a video trailer.  Yes, I said ring tones.  Check it out, I've poked around the site a couple times today and there's all sorts of things to look at.  Its shiny!

On top of that, if you're the sort who uses strategy guides (which I am, but usually only on RPGs), then I'm sure you will like to know that you can pre-order the Prima Scribblenauts strategy guide.  Here's some things the guide includes.

  • Solutions: With over 220 levels, this guide contains more than 880 strategies with multiple words for each solution.
  • Level creation: Level design tips, hints and strategies to making the most creative and elaborate levels possible.
  • Art poster: Limited-edition Scribblenauts pull-out art poster.
  • Developer tips: Exclusive developer tips for objects, level creation, crazy solutions and more.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: A detailed behind-the-scenes look at the critically-acclaimed Scribblenauts.

Whether you buy the guide or not is, of course, up to you.  Although, the game itself seems to be one of those titles not to be missed.  It hits for the Nintendo DS in about two weeks, September 15.