Today Marvelous Entertainment released the first gameplay trailer of its upcoming remake Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal.

The trailer begins by introducing Asuka from the Hanzo National Academy and Homura from Hebijo Academy, followed by more cutscenes and quite a bit of gameplay, showing how the 3DS original has been completely transformed in a new 3D action battle game.

You can check out the trailer below, and if you want to see more, you can also enjoy the first batch of character artwork and some screenshots, the second batch,some (definitely not safe for work) pieces of art that will be used for the store-specific bonuses alongside the collector’s edition, and the first footage from the original announcement.

Speaking of the series as a whole, Marvelous recently hosted an event in Tokyo, where Producer Kenichiro Takaki  announced Peach Ball: Senran Kagura, the  brand new PS4 game Senran Kagura 7EVEN: Shojo-tachi no Kofuku, and the mobile game Senran Kagura: New Link. Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash will also be released in the west this month, and yesterday we saw two new trailers.

The game will be released in Japan on February 22nd, 2018 exclusively for PS4. No western release has been announced for the moment, but will possibly come, considering the precedents with Marvelous.