As part of an in-depth interview with Japanese gaming site 4Gamer, Shigeru Miyamoto discussed his latest creation, Pikmin 3, and why it was developed on the Wii U instead of the Wii.

Miyamoto initially made a comparison between the original Pikmin, Pikmin 2 and Pikmin 3:

When it came to Pikmin 2, I heard a lot of complaints with the first game that had to be fixed. However, if you fix every single issue that the audience is dissatisfied with, then what makes the game interesting (in the first place)? That is the unresolved question. Therefore, I reflected on the aspect of multiple endings that were originally in Pikmin 1, and with the thought of creating it properly again I made Pikmin 3.

When asked why Pikmin 3 was brought to the Wii U when it was originally planned for the Wii, Miyamoto answers:

I’ll say with a little reservation that it was “management.” When creating a fun game like Pikmin, the mechanics should be done efficiently. In order to accomplish this, it wouldn’t be good if nothing is running properly and simultaneously, including all the off-screen parts.

But in Pikmin 3 it is, quite honestly, running many things at the same time. If you look at the entire map on the Gamepad, you can see it’s all running properly. In other words, in order to show everything while moving in the game with the advanced processing actually needed for it, the Wii U was the perfect choice.

He goes on to say that the idea of helping the Wii U sell was also a factor in having Pikmin 3 skip over the Wii, which had already sold many units. Overall, though, Miyamoto feels that Pikmin 3 is a better game on the Wii U.

It also seems that balancing the game was another hurdle in the game's development, not only for Japanese players but for American ones too. Miyamoto wanted make sure that the game would offer a great challenge to anyone that played it, but would be accessible to everyone as well. In other words, he wanted a game that anyone could enjoy.