Sunset Overdrive is one of the most interesting games coming out this year on Xbox One, and it's set in a large open world populated by hordes of enemies.

That kind of setting and fauna isn't exactly light on the hardware requirements, and we caught up with Insomniac Games' CEO Ted Price, who explained the influence on the game's development of the recent unlocking of the hardware resources previously dedicated to Kinect.

Price mentioned that Kinect was never part of what Insomniac was planning for Sunset Overdrive, so the folks at the studio are definitely grateful for the ability to use the additional resources that used to be reserved for the Xbox One's camera.

He added that the game is very big, and when you engage in combat you have to deal with a high number of enemies at once, so every additional CPU boost they can get is useful for physics, AI and other elements that make the enemies behave intelligently and unpredictably.

Having tried the game, I can definitely see Price's point, and it's hard to imagine how Kinect could have been used to enrich the experience anyway. On the other hand, smarter and more unpredictable enemies and more velievable physics definitely do.

Stay tuned on DualShockers for the full interview, coming soon.