LEGO has a website that allows people to vote on LEGO ideas that they'd like to see made. It's never a 100% possibility due to hindrances like licensing issues, but it's a fantastic way to get the idea up to a review board. The Iron Knuckle Legend of Zelda set managed to receive the appropriate amount of responses, reaching 10,000 fan votes.

However, despite the excitement of seeing the project reviewed, the Legend of Zelda set was rejected. The review results stated, "Our team has thoroughly considered the possibility of releasing this project as a LEGO set according to the criteria of the LEGO Review. Unfortunately, the LEGO Review Board has decided that we will not produce this project as a set."

They continued, "A 'LEGO Review Board' composed of professional set designers, product managers, marketing representatives, and other key team members examine each qualified project. They build concept models and determine if the concept meets our high standards for what it takes to be a LEGO product; including factors such as playability, safety, and fit with the LEGO brand.

"The amount of time this takes varies due to all the factors involved. Unfortunately, this process sometimes means that well-conceived projects that gain just-as-passionate followings have to be turned down."

Instead, the Female Minifigure Set was approved by the LEGO Review Board. However, other interesting ideas, including the X-Men: X-Mansion look pretty sweet! Unfortunately, though, it doesn't look like we'll be seeing a Zelda themed LEGO set on shelves anytime soon.