The Witness released this past Tuesday on PlayStation Network, Steam, and Humble Bundle, and Jonathan Blow has stated on Twitter that the game is "on track to sell more in a week than Braid sold in its first year," And by more he means revenue and not copies sold, though not too surprising seeing as The Witness is $40 and Braid initially sold at 1200 Microsoft Points, or $15 USD.

Blow also confirmed that SteamSpy is currently low barring it's estimates for The Witness' sales on Steam.

Also he confirmed that the "more" in his original statement does refer to revenue and not copies sold.

Thankfully we will hopefully not hear about layoffs at his team now that the game has shipped, which is something that happens often at larger companies.

Blow also entertained the idea of a follow up to Braid but the right idea never came to him.

As for their next game, they will most likely be using the same engine as The Witness.

It appears unlikely that the team will work on more than one project at once due to the drop in quality that would cause.

Lastly Blow states that those who say pirated sales are "killing" The Witness are greatly exaggerated.