Square Enix Collective announced that the Tokyo-based developer Cherrymochi's adventure game Tokyo Dark will launch on PC on September 7.

The game raised more than CAD$225,000 on Kickstarter, which is well above their goal of CAD$40,000. Tokyo Dark features anime style visuals and puts the player through a psychological adventure with branching paths and different endings.

Players will assume the role of Detective Ayami Itō as she searches for her missing partner. By following leads and collecting clues, the outcome is at the mercy of the player who must decide who to trust and how to handle situations as their relationship with the city's inhabitants alters over time, depending on how they approach situations.

“Itō’s story is an intentionally conflicting one,” offers Maho Williams, Producer at Cherrymochi. “In Tokyo Dark, we want the player to be constantly questioning whether they’re one step away from solving the puzzle, or one step away from madness. Are they slowly unearthing the city’s dark living shadows, hidden from view, or are they imagining it all?”

Tokyo Dark is explored through a 2D world, where players will be able to interact with set pieces and follow clues to multiple locations. The game is inspired by other adventure titles such as Shenmue and Heavy Rain, but adds in horror elements from titles such as Clocktower.

Players will be met with dialog choices that steer the direction of the story and alter the conclusion of the game. Puzzles can be solved in different ways that require the player to use their own wits when approaching the situation.

Tokyo Dark goes beyond what most animated adventures attempt, with Itō’s very sanity called into question as she delves deeper into the city’s story,” says Phil Elliott, Director of Community & Indie Development at Square Enix London. “I think there’s a real appetite for new ideas in horror games, and Cherrymochi is certainly telling a dark tale, but in a fresh and absorbing way. We’re really proud that the team chose us as a publishing partner, and we know already that there’s a keen anticipation from gamers across the world to uncover the game’s layered mysteries...”

You can check out the new trailer and screenshots below: