As the fourth episode of The Wheel Of Time is out now, we get to learn more about the Aes Sedai culture. More importantly, there is a meaning behind the colors an Aes Sedai wears and it's related to their Ajahs.

In the previous three episodes of The Wheel Of Time, we saw various Aes Sedai donning robes of different colors. For instance, Moiraine Damodred wears blue attire whereas Liandrin Sedai wears red. It turns out that it wasn't merely a fashion choice but a symbol of their Ajahs — sects within the organization that resides in the White Tower.

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The Seven Aes Sedai Colors aka Ajahs

The Aes Sedai is an organization within which there are several groups whose members work towards a single objective. When the Dragon broke the world, the Aes Sedai society was formed which is entirely composed of women. Over time, the members branched out into specific divisions to carry out the duties of the organization. These divisions came to be known as Ajah, each of which has its own rules and internal leadership.

When an Aes Sedai gets promoted from an Accepted to a full sister, she chooses her Ajah and adopts its vision. There are seven Ajahs of Aes Sedai that are symbolized by different colors — Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Brown, White, Grey. Each of these Ajahs has different ideologies and purpose in The Wheel Of Time as explained below:

1. Blue Ajah

The members of Blue Ajah wear blue-colored robes just like Moiraine and they are devoted to the pursuit of justice on behalf of the Aes Sedai. This group has the largest spy network that works as the eye-and-ears of the organization. The current leader of the Aes Sedai, the Amyrlin Seat and Siuan Sanche, came from the Blue Ajah. The members of this group have Warders and see them as partners in righteousness.

2. Red Ajah

The sisters of Red Ajah are devoted to preventing the misuse of One Power. It includes tracking down men who can channel and stopping them by any means necessary — be it "gentling" (taking their power away) or killing them. Within the organization, they also punish Aes Sedais who misuse their powers. The Red Ajah members do not bond with Warders at all.

3. Green Ajah

The sisters of Green Ajah are known for their battle skills as their purpose is to be prepared for the Last Battle that would take place upon the return of the Dragon. They are known for their exuberant lifestyle and they bond multiple Warders and more than often marry at least one of them.

4. Yellow Ajah

All Aes Sedai have healing abilities but the members of Yellow Ajah use more powerful methods of healing using the One Power. Since it's their primary ability, they tend to be weak in other areas such as battle skills but there is no ailment they cannot heal.

5. Brown Ajah

They are the Aes Sedai who engage themselves in the academic field, concentrate on studying and gathering knowledge of all kinds. They can be compared to scientists among the Aes Sedai and they observe all ways one can use the One Power.

6. White Ajah

The sisters of White Ajah are few in number and they are known for being dedicated to philosophical study. The White Ajah usually disconnect themselves from the world to ponder about higher thoughts so they are usually awkward and mostly stay inside the White Tower. They generally don't bond Warders for the same reason.

7. Grey Ajah

It consists of Aes Sedai who take up diplomatic roles. They serve as ambassadors who try to mediate and come up with peaceful resolutions between kingdoms. Because of the nature of their work, they spend more time in the outside world and bond with Warders too.

The Hidden Black Ajahs Among Aes Sedai

The Aes Sedai in White Tower claim that there are no Black Ajahs. But rumors suggest that Black Ajahs are regular members of Aes Sedai who hide in plain sight within each Ajah. They secretly support the Dark One and are waiting for it to break free. Their roles are similar to Darkfriends in The Wheel Of Time but they are much more powerful and dangerous.