Among Us has been the hottest new online game, exploding in popularity over the last several weeks and topping Fall Guys in Steam sales as of September 21. Because of its popularity, it's only natural that non-PC gamers would want a port to their consoles, however, developer InnerSloth said that a port is more complicated than many people might think.

InnerSloth's Forest Willard streamed Among Us with a handful of streamers when streamer 5uppp asked him if InnerSloth would "consider console support in the long future." Willard's response was a solid "yes, however..." He said:

"It's something we’re starting to talk about, but we'd have to write a system for quick comms so it'd basically be for randoms, like Rocket League. I don’t know if we’d be able to implement console voice chat or not. I know one of the first things we’d want to add is a friend’s list type of account system because it’s so hard to do anything without it."

In a game that focuses primarily on written communication between players, it would be challenging to put it on a system that doesn't have a quick way of writing things. Sure, players have the option to attach keyboards to their consoles, but many players don't even know that's an option and might not know how to even set that up.

Additionally, while voice chat might seem like a good fix, not everyone owns a microphone, or would even want to be using it talking to strangers online.

These are common problems for online games, but because Among Us is so heavily reliant on player communication, each problem needs a lot of consideration before fixing as the solutions often introduce other problems. So it might not be a while until we see an Among Us console port.

For more on Among Us, make sure to check out this article on why InnerSloth cancelled the sequel they had planned. You can buy Among Us on Steam right here or play for free on IOS and Android.