Starting as a loving protector of his friend, Eren Yeager began as the ray of sunshine in the dark world of Attack on Titan. Each battle and enemy faced, he continues to stand firm in his actions and resolves to do anything to save his friends.

As the main character, Eren is the center stage for some of the greatest battles in this show. Now being one of the most complicated anti-heroes in all anime, Eren has left fans speechless across the past four seasons. Below we will only discuss the anime up to Season 4 Part 2; spoilers ahead.

10/10 Eren vs Reiner at Shinganshina

The much-awaited rematch takes place at the heart of Eren's hometown. Taking in the accomplishment of finally making it home, Eren showed off the power of the home-field advantage. Learning from his last fight, Eren remembered what worked for him and how he could further improve.

Sporting new hardened knuckles, Eren makes short work of the armored titan, leaving him with no choice but to back off. Even when put on the back foot, Eren demonstrates he can quickly turn the tide against this slower enemy.

9/10 Defending Paradise

Attack Titan Season 4

Picking up right after the cliffhanger from Part 1 of Season 1, this scene was the payoff we needed. Seeing an army approaching on their airships, Eren ignores the requests to retreat. He walks through the street straight towards the enemy, allowing them the chance to approach and transform before engaging.

Fighting both the armored and jaw titan, Eren easily holds his own in this 2v1. Showing off the new War Hammer powers he got in the last part of the season, Eren demonstrated that even when they team up, the other titan shifters don't compare.

8/10 Killing the Colossal Titan

Eren Facing Colossal Titan

The original titan that ruined Eren's life and kicked off the show's events, Eren has been hunting this titan since day one. Eren demonstrated that while his Attack titan is powerful, he knows to use his brain more than just his rage to win a battle.

Eren has demonstrated in the past that he would transform and fight his own battles alone, but trusting Armin's plan brought Levi's season 1 speech full circle. While Eren is usually in Titan form, seeing him finally defeat the Colossal Titan using ODM gear was the perfect way to finish off his first enemy.

7/10 Fighting the Female Titan in the Forest of Giant Trees

Eren Fighting Female Titan

While Titan shifter fights are a daily ordeal in Attack on Titan, the first fight will always be memorable. Seeing Eren give in to total rage after the rest of Levi's squad is wiped out shows how unhinged he can be.

While he didn't land many hits, he would learn a lot in this fight he would still be using in Season 4. In this fight, Eren fought more with his emotions than his brain. Eren's punches are wild and uncoordinated against the female, but seeing him punch so hard his arm breaks demonstrates just how powerful the Attack Titan is.

6/10 Controlling Titans

Eren Controlling Titans

Feeling angry at seeing the smiling titan that ate his mom, Eren's scream was pure anger at his lack of ability to save Hannes. Making contact with a titan of royal blood, Eren was able to show the viewers and scouts that there was even more to him than anyone could guess.

Until now, Titans had been mindless monsters with the only goal of eating humans. Seeing Eren control dozens of them, and even affect the nearby titan shifters was just the beginning of this show turning the plot upside down to subvert our expectations.

5/10 Eren vs Reiner At Wall Rose

Following one of the biggest betrayals in anime history, Eren showed his resolve to fight anyone he sees as an enemy. While reflecting on their friendship mid-fight, Eren does not flinch as he learns Reiner's fighting style and makes short work in a counterattack.

Eren remembers techniques taught by Annie that he uses to grapple with Reiner. Eren finds where his Attack Titan succeeds and keeps the fight to a strength contest where he breaks apart Reiner's armor for the scouts to aim for.

4/10 Declaration of War

Eren Transforming Into Attack Titan

We've seen Eren transform into the attack titan dozens of times in the show before season 4. Seeing him transform under a building full of people, interrupting his enemies declaring war on him... stands far above the rest.

Having Eren and Reiner sit down for a conversation four years after their last fight was one of the most tension-filled episodes in the series. Eren is a changed man, demonstrating total control of his titan powers and holding off a transformation to threaten Reiner. Reiner's shock and fear at seeing Eren deep in his hometown helped illustrate the threat that Eren represents to Marley and the world.

3/10 Eren vs. The Warhammer Titan

Eren Fighting Warhammer Titan

After a slow burn, tension-filled episode, this episode had Eren bringing his full force to fight a brand new titan to the series. Breaking even rule in anime, Eren didn't hesitate when he saw the new titan appear, punching it the second it had some semblance of a head formed.

Not only do we see Eren's strength, but his moments with Mikasa also show how much has changed with the main cast over the four-year time skip. This fight shows Eren using his hardening ability to the full extent of the Attack titan while also delivering a new titan with new abilities to both Eren and the viewers. While this fight is a more recent addition to the series, it will forever be one of the best moments in the show.

2/10 Eren Carries The Boulder

Eren as Attack Titan Carries Boulder

While this scene didn't have much combat, it showed us the first true transformation of Eren into the Attack Titan. While it took him a second to get his head on straight, we finally see that not only can Eren become a titan, but he can control it.

This scene was the first time this show truly showed hope for humanity. The music added perfectly to the soldiers' feelings about finally seeing humanity's first victory against the Titans. This scene perfectly shows how well Attack on Titan can show hope, no matter how hopeless the world of titans may seem.

1/10 The Rumbling

Eren Starting the Rumbling

Season 4 Eren was nothing if not confusing, from betraying his friends to punching Armin right in the face.... multiple times. Seeing Eren awaken the wall titans and announce that he's killing 99% of the human population to save the people of Paradise finally gave viewers the resolution we've been wondering if it existed.

Seeing Eren betray Zeke after an infuriating alliance felt like the perfect "Put Zeke in his place" moment all fans loved. Seeing Eren now as a gigantic skeletal centipede-type titan leading thousands of colossal titans will be a staple scene that will be left with fans long after the show is over.