I've put more than 100 hours into Battlefield V, but despite the game launching with a less-than-desirable amount of content, the biggest controversy surrounding the game has been the dev team's decision to increase the time to kill (TTK) by lowering bullet damage across-the-board. Thankfully, those changes–which had been turning day-one players away and dividing the community–are being reverted according to the game's Global Community Manager Dan Mitre.Ever since the game's launch players have been reporting that the time to die (TTD) was too fast, which is a result of bad netcode. This means that you can be shot six times by an enemy and instead of being hit by all of those bullets individually, your game updates and you are suddenly dead. There is no time to react. TTK is regarded as being closely tied to TTD, though players enjoyed the tactical gameplay that the faster TTK brought about.

Players felt that EA was making these changes in an attempt to make the game easier, and therefore more attractive to the countless players who will be getting this game as a gift for the holidays. Though the hardcore fanbase are the ones who are vocal about this on Twitter and Reddit, even famous YouTubers like JackFrags and LevelCapGaming had released videos showing their disapproval of the recent changes.

"The problem with this is that you're completely alienating and turning away the active playerbase, the fans, the people who log back in and play the game every day–the Battlefield players who make the game tick," Jackfrags said. "By doing stuff like this, and changing one of the biggest things they applauded, no matter how small the change they're going to go one-by-one and lose interest in the game, because this isn't the game they were sold.

Hopefully now, players will feel like their voices have been heard. Reddit, up until this announcement, has devolved into a mess of memes that were calling out the developers, including this recent one where Hitler is actually standing up for the community (another Downfall movie parody)

Dan Mitre also went onto Reddit to post a "Battlefield V Letter to the Community."

"Our desire to service a game that caters to old and new players will continue," Mitre said. "How we get it right isn’t easy, nor will it be quick, and we appreciate when the community comes together and helps us on this journey."

The update is set to hit servers on December 18 at 4 am PST (7 am EST). You can check out our review of Battlefield V here.

*Cue the music from the end of A New Hope*