BitLife's latest challenge is known as the Wall Street Wolf, and players are eager to learn more about how they can complete it.

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It's Saturday, and like every week we are getting a new BitLife challenge this week as well. It is a tad different from the ones we have received earlier, and it seems like players will be having a lot of fun in the game.

BitLife Wall Street Wolf Challenge Guide - How to become stockbroker, develop addiction, contract disease, purchase yacht

In order to complete the BitLife Wall Street Wolf Challenge, players need to complete the following tasks.

  • Become a stockbroker
  • Build a bank balance of $22 million
  • Develop an addiction
  • Contract 4+ different sexually transmitted diseases
  • Purchase and sink a yacht
  • Server 2+ years in prison

The first one requires you to become a stockbroker. That's not quite hard, as all you need to do is perform well in school and college. Ideally, you should be studying something related to finance, which includes maths and business as well, to better your chances. You then need to apply for a stocbroker position from the Jobs menu in the game.

Building a bank balance of $22 million will take you some time. All you can do is keep making sure you are earning as much as you can, and eventually you should be able to make it through. To develop an addiction, simply drink or smoke multiple times until you are addicted to it. To contracts STDs, you need to have flings with a large number of people.

Next up, grab a boating license under the Activities tab to buy a yacht. Take it out multiple times, and eventually it should crash. After that, you need to commit a crime and then you should end up in prison. Once you have completed this, you should get your rewards for this week.