After teasing a massive update last week and then officially detailing some of the major features yesterday, Treyarch has finally released, its next major round of fixes and additions to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (at least on PS4) in the form of version 1.16. Of course, with every new update comes a fresh list of patch notes, and Treyarch has once again delivered.

On the multiplayer side of things, the biggest addition seems to be Richochet Rules to Hardcore and League Play modes. This means if you're one to spray and pray without a care for your teammates in those modes, you'll be out of luck. There a ton of specifics when it comes to these rules but essentially all you need to know is that you'll now be taking damage and even respawn delays if you kill teammates.

In Blackout, more minor changes have been made. A ton of weapons have been tuned and features that were turned off mysteriously last update (cough, cough one-button press, continuous armor repair) have been re-enabled. Oh, and the glare that the sun outputs in the map has been turned down. This may seem like one of the smallest issues ever on paper, but in actuality, it was a real pain with the new Spring version, so I'm happy the change was made.

All these changes join the previously announced additions like the Ancient Evil Zombies map for Black Ops Pass holders, new modes in Multiplayer, and more, as well as other changes. If you'd like to see the full list of changes, you can do so by clicking here.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.