Yesterday, Treyarch revealed that Infected mode would be making its way into Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 via an update, but we didn't know much else about said update. Now that's changed, as earlier today the update finally went live on all platforms and doesn't add as much as many of us possibly assumed.

First and foremost, the update brings Alcatraz to both Xbox One and PC. This is something we knew was coming thanks to the game's previously announced exclusivity deal, however, it's nice to finally get confirmation that it's in the game. For those that don't know, Alcatraz is a brand new, close-quarters Blackout map based on both Mob of the Dead from Black Ops 2 and Blood of the Dead from Black Ops 4. It doesn't seem like anything was changed to the map since its PS4 release last week.

In addition, World League Divisions have also been added to the game. These divisions essentially give players an easy indicator as to how good they are compared to everyone else. As far as I understand it, this is purely an indicator for the player and doesn't affect what matches they join, what players they play, etc.

As stated yesterday, Infected also went live today for PlayStation 4 players. If you're on Xbox One or PC, you'll have to wait until next week to get your hands on the Call of Duty staple.

Of course, this isn't everything that was changed. Smaller things like new FX in the weapon variant menus, weapon tuning for the KN-57, and more also got added and changed. You can check out the full list of changes on Treyarch's Reddit post here.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.