Well, that lasted a hot minute. After being added to the game only a week ago, today, developer Treyarch announced that Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's newest specialist, Zero, will be getting a bit rebalanced during tomorrow's major weekly update.

While the patch notes have, obviously, not been made available yet, the developer did reveal that, among other fixes and changes, the time it'll take to completely hack a Gunship will be quadrupled, while every other scorestreaks' hack time will be doubled.

Zero has been a point of contention for a lot of members of the COD community, as most feel like her abilities were a bit on the overpowered side. This patch, however, has the potential to ease some of those qualms, just in time for the specialist, and the rest of the Operation: Absolute Zero update, to go live on Xbox One and PC.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. If you want to pick up the game on Amazon, you can do so by clicking here.