Late last night, Treyarch released a list of topics that they'll be focusing on thanks to the feedback they received from the first day of the Blackout Beta. Now, we are starting to see the fruits of that feedback, as the developer has released the first hotfix for the game, which makes some pretty noticeable changes.

Easily the biggest change, and ironically not the one they alluded to last night, is the increase of the player count from 80 players to 88. While not a dramatic increase, it does make good on Treyarch's statement a few weeks ago that they'll increase the count based on how well the game will run. Here's hoping that they'll get it up to 100 in time for release.

In addition to that, item pick-up speed has also been changed with the hotfix. Now, all you'll have to do is hold down square while running over an item in order to pick it up; no more stopping and staring.

Of course, that's not all the changes, and you can read the full, albeit, short list at the end of the article.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is set to be released on October 12, 2018, and will be available on Xbox One and PC, as well as the aforementioned PlayStation 4. If you want to pick up the game on Amazon, you can do so by clicking here.

  • General:

    • Changed Featured Playlist to DUOs.

    • Raised player cap to 88.

    • General stability and stat-tracking improvements.

    • Quick equip menu will automatically close if not used for 5 seconds.

  • Item Pickups

    • Increased the speed of picking up Items off of the ground – you will still be able to reload your weapon independently without picking an Item up by tapping the reload button.

  • Equipment

    • Reduced duration of Sensor Dart to 2 minutes