The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece. Everything about it oozes creativity, ingenuity, and pushes the video game medium into an entirely different stratosphere. Part of what makes the game so great is the atmospheric melodies that will chime in while on your adventures. While this rendition of the series doesn't feature the vast amount of music that some others have, Breath of the Wild captures the feeling of being all by yourself in the wild through its atmospheric music. Nintendo just uploaded a video to their YouTube channel that might bring out the first feeling you had when you scaled your first mountain in the game.

I really wish that I could go back in time to experience this game once again. We all have those experiences that stand out in our minds and Breath of the Wild is one of those for me. I think it is safe to say that this might be my favorite game of all time.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is currently available for Switch and the lonely old Wii U if you still have it plugged into your TV. If you have still not picked the game up, you can do so right here through Amazon. If you are still unsure on whether to pick the game up even after all of the praise I have just given it, practically jumping out of your screen telling you to play this game as soon as possible, make sure to check out DualShockers review.