Before moving on to Infinity Ward to take the helm on the story of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Narrative Director Taylor Kurosaki worked at Naughty Dog for over ten years, covering the role of Narrative Design Lead on the Uncharted series.During that time, he worked with former Creative Director Amy Hennig, before she moved on herself to Electronic Arts and Visceral, where she is currently working on a mysterious Star Wars action-adventure game.Today Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has been released, an Kurosaki sent a shoutout to Hennig, defining her his mentor and creative partner for almost a decade, and mentioning that the new game owes a lot to her.

It's always nice to see developers who don't forget their past ties even when they end up working for different and competing companies. Having played quite a bit of Infinite Warfare already, but without spoiling my upcoming review too much, I can definitely say that the story is definitely a solid point in favor of the game.