Warzone and Cold War fans finally received the anticipated mid-season update on July 15th, and there was a lot of new content for Zombies fans. Mauer Der Toten was introduced to Cold War Zombies with a brand new Wonder Weapon, which can be obtained by unlocking a safe with a code.

Unfortunately, the code to unlock the safe is different in every game, so it's not as simple as typing in the same digits over and over again. But, when has Call of Duty zombies ever been that easy? Here's a step by step guide on unlocking the safe in Mauer Der Toten.

  • MORE: Cold War Mauer Der Toten - How To Get Klaus Hands & All Parts

Mauer Der Toten - How To Get Safe Code & Unlock Wonder Weapon

Located inside of Hotel Room 305 is a safe which holds the brand new CRBR-S Wonder Weapon. Follow the steps below to get the Mauer Der Toten safe code and get your hands on the new weapon.

  • First, players will need to build Klaus. Check out our full guide on how to do that.
  • Once Klaus has been built, signal him to the Switch Control Room and have Klaus break open the locker with the number 0 on it. Grab the blacklight inside of the locker.
  • The blacklight on your gun can now be used to find 3 digits around the map which can be used to unlcok the safe. These numbers are random every time but do appear in the same location.
  • First Code = Inside of the Garment Factory next to the stairs on the wall
  • Second Code = Inside the Service Passage tunnel, down the ladders and on the wall to the left under the pipe.
  • Third Code = Head to the Grocery Store in the centre of the map, the code is on the wall in the far corner of the room.

Now head back to Hotel Room 305 where Klau's Hands were located, and type the code into the safe.

Please Note: In each of the locations mentioned above, there is a number in a black circle, this just indicates that it is either code 1,2, or 3. The code needed to be typed in cannot be found without the blacklight, shine your gun on the locations mentioned above and the codes will appear in white.

Should you need a more visual representation, check out YouTubers Absoluem's video for more details.