Cris Tales is an upcoming JRPG from the developers at Dream Uncorporated and SYCK. It lets you simultaneously play through three different eras in its world, manipulating each to your advantage in combat. The game was set to launch on November 17, but the developers and publisher Modus Games have decided to push it back to early 2021. It's sad news, though not unexpected. Plenty of games are being pushed back later, so seeing a smaller team delay to work on polish shouldn't be surprising.

Cris Tales being hit with a delay isn't really a bad thing. The game has a ton going on due to all three time periods interacting with each other. And again, the team isn't very big. Taking on a project like this would be a massive ask for any studio, especially one this lean. Plus, extra time for polish just means an even better chance that the game that ships is excellent. From my perspective, give them all the time they need.

Fortunately, if you can't wait to see Cris Tales in action, you can go ahead and check out the demo on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It gives you an excellent look at what the game's all about. You'll see a bit of the story and have the chance to fight through a sequence of eight battles. There really is no better way to see if Cris Tales is a game for you.

Cris Tales is set to launch in early 2021 for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.