Cyno is one of the many unreleased characters of Genshin Impact, but unlike data mined characters such as Shenhe (Shenli), Cyno has already been officially revealed by miHoYo, appearing in a certain trailer and in the official manga. Here's what we know about him so far.

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Is Cyno the Dendro Archon in Sumeru?

First, we should debunk and clear this misconception as fast as possible. Many Genshin Impact players mistakenly believe Cyno is the Dendro Archon, in Sumeru, as he's the character shown when the Sumeru region is introduced in the Teyvat Story Chapter Preview trailer.

However, each of the characters in this trailer are the featured character of each region, not the Archon. Hence why we see Diluc for Mondstadt, Ningguang for Liyue, and Ayaka for Inazuma. It means Cyno will be important for the main story chapter in Sumeru: Act III. Truth Amongst the Pages of Purana.

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Genshin Impact - Who is Cyno and when's his release date?

Cyno is a male character from Sumeru, the region of the Dendro element which is basically the wood element in Genshin Impact. Cyno wears an outfit similar to Egypt mythology's god of the dead Anubis. This is another reason why fans tend to mistakenly believe Cyno is an Archon.

Cyno has a calm personality and slightly tanned skin. He's also very knowledgeable, versed in many arts, as he works for the Sumeru Academia. miHoYo already confirmed Sumeru is the next region coming after Inazuma, meaning Cyno will be released then.

Overall, seeing Inazuma was teased in the 1.5 and 1.6 livestreams, it's very likely the Japan themed region is coming soon with a late 2021 release date. It looks like miHoYo plans to release one region of Teyvat a year, so it's very likely Cyno will be playable in late 2022 with the release of Sumeru around then, and appear in a banner.

Lastly, keep in mind the Teyvat Story Chapter, as in the seven regions of Teyvat, should be finished in five to six years at most if one region is added each year. Even assuming the rumors that claimed miHoYo has a 12 years roadmap is true, it simply means that more Story Chapters will be released after the Teyvat one is completed.

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Cyno - Role, lore in the Genshin Impact manga

Cyno appears in Chapters 12 part 2 and Chapter 13 of the original Genshin Impact manga. He most notably helps Collei, one of the main protagonists in the manga, with her specific condition. Note that I'm staying vague on purpose to avoid spoilers, and I recommend reading the Genshin Impact manga yourself if you never did. It's pretty interesting, especially if you're looking for some KaeLuc moments, and it's free to read on the official site.

It's also in these chapters of the manga that we learn Cyno works for the Sumeru Academia, where Lisa once studied. Cyno and Lisa also know each other.

Cyno's rarity, weapon and vision

Thanks to his artwork in the Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview trailer we already know Cyno is a Polearm user. He also seems to be wearing a Pyro Vision, but it's unclear what his Vision will be for now. Perhaps he will turn out to be a Dendro character like Baizhu.

Moreover, we don't know yet if Cyno will be a four or five star character. There is no rule when it comes to the characters representative of regions released so far. Diluc is a five star character, but Ningguang is a four star. So we don't know which it'll be for Cyno yet.

That's all we know about Cyno in Genshin Impact so far. Personally speaking, I'm looking forward to his release as I particularly like his character design. And while he only appears for a few pages in the manga, he's definitely an intriguing character. We'll know more on Cyno soon after Inazuma is released, as we'll learn about the next destination then, Sumeru.

Genshin Impact is launching its Version 1.6, Midsummer Island Adventure, on June 9, 2021.