Being that twitter is all the rage these days game developers are now receiving the same attention as the Lebron James-es and Britney Spears-es of the world. Their every word is now gospel to the gamers and journalists who follow them. This new developer-stalking phenomenon probably wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for @fourzerotwo teasing the masses with his Modern Warfare 2 updates. The latest tweet comes from the F-bomb dropping developer that for some reason everyone loves to hate: Mr. David Jaffe (creator of Twisted Metal and the God of War franchises). On one of his latest tweets, while highlighting his time at San Diego Comic Con in a little piece he calls Con Memories, Jaffe writes:

@djaffe: "Con Mem #7: Realizing how excited I am to hit the con next year, THIS time with our game on display!!!!"

I don't want to dissect a tweet word for word, but what is obvious here is that whatever it is that eatSLEEPplay (their spelling, not mine) is working on  i think it is safe to assume  that it's probably making a push for Fall 2010 release (if it appears at Comic Con or other shows). I guess between now and then we can all spend time guessing what the hell it is they're working on (crosses fingers and wishes for new Twisted Metal).